Motorcycle Land Speed Records
All PG & PF “Pushrod Engine” Records
Including A “Open” and APS “Partial Streamline” body classes:
650cc SCTA Bonneville MPH
A-PF Alp Racing & Design Triumph 8/16 149.664
A-PG Jim Leininger Honda 8 /13 130.713
APS-PF Jim Leininger Honda 8 /13 156.389
APS-PG Jim Leininger Honda 8 /12 150.176
650cc SCTA El Mirage
A-PG Alp Racing & Design A Sungurtekin 9/14 131.332
A-PF Alp Racing & Design A Sungurtekin 11/15 175.625
APS-PG No Record
APS-PF No Record
650cc AMA
A-PG Alp Racing & Design Triumph 8/14 133.464
A-PF Alp Racing & Design Triumph 8/16 156.167
APS-PG Borcherdt, T BSA/2014 149.891
APS-PF Allan, P Triumph/2013 110.781
750cc SCTA Bonneville
A-PF Yankee Engineuity H/D 8 /06 167.542
A-PG Yankee Engineuity H/D 8 /04 149.190
APS-PF Marc Leininger Honda 8 /11 158.649
APS-PG Jim Leininger Honda 8 /11 154.939
750cc SCTA El Mirage
A-PG Long Gone MS C. Kimek 5/11 140.181
A-PF No Record
APS-PG Leineweber J. Leineweber 7/13 143.930
APS-PS No Record
750cc AMA
A-PG Gosling, R Triumph/2013 143.149
A-PF Duncan, B Triumph/2013 154.236
APS-PG No Record
APS-PF Leineweber, J Triumph/2013 142.608
1000cc SCTA Bonneville
A-PF Yankee Engineuity Express H/D 8 /11 166.843
A-PG Team Subtle Crowbar Moto Guzzi 9 /08 150.908
APS-PF Team Subtle Crowbar Moto Guzi 8 /11 169.770
APS-PG Bill Ross Moto Guzzi 9 /08 170.856
1000cc SCTA El Mirage
A-PF Full House Mouse II A. Jones 9/01 168.953
A-PG Don Smith Racing D. Smith 9/98 153.964
APS-PF Full House Mouse 2 F. Kott 5/03 164.862
APS-PG Tean Subtle Crowbar B. Ross 6/08 161.048
1000cc AMA
A-PF Gosling, R Triumph/2014 156.552
A-PG Duncan, B Triumph/2014 157.457
APS-PG Mellor, Tom Triumph/2013 200.082
APS-PF Omer, J Buell/2014 158.478
Currently Alp Racing & Design holds ten SCTA records and three AMA national records.
All of the following records were attained with a 650cc pre-unit Triumph engine / gearbox combo on a Alp R/D made Class "A" (Special construction) rigid frame and a Class "M" (Modified Production) original Triumph Pre Unit rigid frame.
Current Records in the books:
1000cc A-VF 193.621 MPH 1948 Vincent vin# 'F10AB/1/666’ - SCTA Bonneville, UT
650cc A-PF 175.625 MPH Triumph 'Asymmetric Aero' - SCTA El Mirage, CA*
650cc M-VF 173.329 MPH Triumph ironhead 'Manta Ray' - SCTA Bonneville, UT - 1950 Triumph Frame
650cc A-VF 171.668 MPH Triumph ironhead 'Asymmetric Aero' - SCTA El Mirage, CA
650cc APS-VF 170.883 MPH Triumph ironhead 'T-200' - SCTA Bonneville, UT *178.473 MPH
650cc A-PF 169.100 MPH Triumph ironhead 'Asymmetric Aero' - SCTA Mojave, CA
650cc A-PF 156.167 MPH 'Asymmetric Aero' - AMA Bonneville, UT
650cc A-VF 151.375 MPH 'Asymmetric Aero' - SCTA Bonneville, UT - Vintage Class
650cc A-PF 149.664 MPH 'Asymmetric Aero' - SCTA Bonneville, UT
650cc A-VG 139.226 MPH 'Asymmetric Aero' - SCTA El Mirage, CA - Vintage Class
650cc A-PG 133.464 MPH 'Asymmetric Aero' - AMA Bonneville, UT
650cc A-PG 131.332 MPH 'Manta Ray' - SCTA El Mirage, CA
650cc APS-VG 130.734 MPH 'Manta Ray' - SCTA El Mirage, CA
650cc M-VG 127.092 MPH 'Manta Ray' - AMA Bonneville, UT - with 1950 Triumph Frame
500cc M-VF 144.704 MPH Pre-unit iron head 'Thompson Arrow' - SCTA El Mirage, CA
500cc M-VF 119.903 MPH 'The Arrow' - SCTA Bonneville, CA
* The 650 A-PF “Special Construction – Pushrod Fuel Engine” class record of 175.625 MPH was achieved naturally aspirated, open / without a fairing.
This is the fastest 650cc pushrod engine, sit-on motorcycle in the history of land speed racing built by Alp Sungurtekin. The pre unit Triumph is currently faster than all of the same class 750cc and 1000cc motorcycles (see records chart next).
All SCTA Records can be found here:
El Mirage Dry Lake
Bonneville Salt Flats
AMA National Records database:
All the current National records are listed in chapter 13 of the AMA rule book.
.PDF file link below.
Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials
ECTA Records database
DLRA Dry Lakes Racers Australia
Pendine Timing Association, UK
All the Timing Associations above follow and apply SCTA guidelines, rules and classes.
There are a few differences and some occur due to SCTA updating or implementing rule changes.
All Alp Racing engines and frames comply with all above associations rules, classes etc..